Are you responsible for access arrangements in exams for deaf pupils?
Do you need a refresher on the topic?
Are you new to the topic and want to find out more?
Do you understand the role of Teachers of children and young people who are Deaf when it comes to Exam Access Arrangements?
BATOD and the Scottish Sensory Centre (SSC) jointly present this webinar on the topic of access arrangements for deaf pupils taking examinations.
This webinar will include an overview of some key access arrangements including who carries out different roles relating to exams and the implications for practice across the four nations of the UK.
We will discuss the role of BATOD in the modification of the language of examinations.
There will presentations and Q and A throughout. Breakout rooms will look at Scotland-specific and Rest of UK to support discussions. A final panel will wrap up the session.
For further information about exam arrangements, check these websites:
- Joint Council for Qualifications guidance 24-25 This guidance does not all apply to Scotland.
- SQA website – Exam access arrangements guidance for Scotland
Access arrangements
BSL interpreters and automatic captioning will be provided for this event. Please contact us if you need these access arrangements to facilitate access: Email [email protected]
Target Audience
Teachers of Deaf children and young people responsible for (or interested in) access arrangements and for those new to the topic, class teachers, SENDCos, exam officers, CSWs, support officers, college staff and Parents of deaf children and young people.
If you wish to book a place on this course, please use the ePAY link to pay by card:
- Register and pay by card (ePay)
Alternatively, if you need to be invoiced, please use the form below to enter your details and finance contacts – a COPY of your Purchase Order is also required:
- Register online (MS Forms)
Visit the SSC website for further information and deaf education related training.