6. Preparation for adulthood
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) Article 23 states that children with a disability should get the education, care, and support they need to lead a full and independent life to the best of their ability, and to participate in their community. Developing knowledge and skills around decision-making relating to employment, finances, and safety are all essential in ensuring a Deaf Child/Young Person (DCYP) can achieve independence and meet their aspirations.
Preparing for and developing independence begins at the earliest age, for example, ensuring deaf children are enabled to make simple choices or involving deaf pupils in decision making about their school and community through groups, volunteering, or membership of organisations. Involving DCYP Iin all areas of decision-making about their deafness and support is key.
DCYP and their families need high aspiration and targeted support when making decisions about their future careers. Understanding the range of pathways into qualifications, training, and work is a key part of this, alongside developing the skills required to apply for and get a job. School/college careers staff require support to understand the needs of DCYP and what must be in place for a successful work volunteering placement.
Understanding rights, entitlements, and responsibilities in relation to money is a key factor for developing DCYP independence. For example, not just how to apply, but understanding any conditions or time frames around schemes such as Access to Work or Disabled Student Allowance. DCYP may require support to understand where and with whom responsibilities lie.
Supporting independent travel is important and can start early, for example, creating opportunities for DCYP to travel to school safely or use public transport. Conversations around how to seek help and from whom, how to read and use timetables, and how different forms of public transport work can be explored to help a DCYP stay safe and confident to travel alone, both at home and abroad.
Staying safe is a key feature that spans all work with DCYP, with the need for them to be able to take increasing responsibility for their own safety as they progress into adulthood.
Please also refer to Section 5
6b. Careers and seeking employment
6c. Money management
6e. Preparing for the world of work
6f. Staying safe
6g. Technology to support independent living, learning and work
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Download the Specialist Deaf Curriculum Framework quick overview document via this link.
Download the Word document version Specialist Deaf Curriculum Framework via this link.
Please note: Some of this information has been archived and as such may be out of date or no longer relevant.