
2. Communication, language, and literacy

Language and communication are at the heart of deaf children’s cognitive, emotional, and social development. A crucial element is the creation of rich, accessible language environments in every area of the deaf child’s life. This starts with supporting families to develop early interaction skills with their deaf baby and toddler, continues into education by supporting schools and settings to make language and learning accessible, and through to supporting young people to develop the skills for successful interaction in everyday life.
Qualified Teacher of Deaf Children and Young People (QToD) involvement is underpinned by the following
•informed choice
•evidence-based practice
•effective and regular planning and assessment
•joined up working and person-centred planning.

Deaf Children and Young People (DCYP) have a right to a full language, but their communication journeys can be complicated or may change. Everyone supporting the DCYP must be fully informed of how language, communication and literacy skills are developing, so they know how best to support through building upon strengths, and recognising and addressing barriers and challenges. The QToD is essential in working with non-deaf specialists in education to ensure the appropriate approaches and interventions are used to help a child develop their literacy skills.

2a. Creating rich language home environments

2b. Communication and language in education

2c. Communication with others

2d. Technology for communication

For more information on this resource or if you would like to make a suggestion or contribution, please send an email to: [email protected]

Download the Specialist Deaf Curriculum Framework quick overview document via this link.

Download the Word document version Specialist Deaf Curriculum Framework via this link.


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Resource | 19.02.2024

2a. Creating language rich home environments

Resource | 19.02.2024

2b. Communication and language in education

Resource | 15.02.2024

2c. Communication with others

Resource | 15.02.2024

2d. Technology for communication