Exams and Access Arrangements (deaf learners) – Post event package
Due to the interest expressed in the webinar on Exams and Access Arrangements (deaf learners) held on 21st September, the SSC and BATOD are able to offer individual access to the session recording for 30 continuous days starting from the date the login and password are emailed.
Cost: £30
Programme outline
Housekeeping, welcome, intros
Overview of access arrangements including practitioner input
Overview of access arrangements including practitioner input (Scottish specific context)
Role of BATOD in the modification of the language of examinations
Q&A based on these presentations
2 breakout groups: Access arrangements including use of BSL in Scotland & access arrangements in England/Wales/NI
Feedback from two breakout groups
Live Q&A to panel of above speakers
Next steps for BATOD and SSC and Evaluation
Close of webinar
Preferred payment is through the University’s online payment format (ePAY).
If you prefer to be invoiced a formal Purchase Order must be received. The access login and password will not be released until the invoice is issued which may take a little while if your school/service is not on the University of Edinburgh’s customer database. Please complete this form, and return to Ruth Simpson as soon as possible.
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