5.3. Picture based testing
Manchester Picture Test
This test was first developed in 1957 and was updated in 2002 to include new words and a completely revised colour picture set. The test consists of six word lists, each containing six test words. Each word is represented in a matrix of four pictures, ie a test word and three distracters. The Manchester Picture Test is used mainly with older children where the toy tests are not considered appropriate.

Age range: Appropriate for children and young adults.
Who can use it? An appropriate professional, using the manual.
How is it used?
The Manchester Picture Test is in the format of six word lists, each of which has six test words. Each list comprises a six-picture matrix. These are a single sheet of paper in a booklet showing four pictures representing the test word and three distracter pictures in a square. The child is required to identify the correct picture within each matrix. For example: list one, matrix one shows pictures of: a queen, the number three, feet, and bee (target word).
In order to achieve a pass at any level, a score of five or six out of six (83% or greater) must be obtained. If the test is being used to screen hearing, the test level should be 40 dBA. If it is being used as a test of speech discrimination and the hearing thresholds are known, a start level of 20 dBA above the pure tone audiogram (PTA) average is used. The level can be increased or decreased until the word discrimination threshold is achieved (the lowest level at which a pass is obtained).
What are the benefits?
We can identify areas of listening difficulties a child has, and we can use it as a test of speech discrimination. A child having difficulties in this test is likely to have difficulties in the classroom. Therefore, we would then need to look at acoustics and amplification.
- It is useful as a practical speech discrimination test by teachers.
- It gives useful information as to areas of discrimination difficulty.
- It can be used in the Parrot automated speech system.
- A student needs to know the objects by name.
- It should be carried out in good acoustic conditions.
Where can I access it?
You can access the assessment on the Soundbyte Solutions website
Source Manchester Picture Test | Listening skills (ndcs.org.uk)
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5.5 Sentence testing
5.6 Automated tests
5.7 Parent/guardian reports (under construction)
5.8 Teacher reports (under construction)
5.9 Children and young people reports (under construction)
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Other sections
- Section 1 Anatomy and physiology of the ear
- Section 2 Aetiology and types of deafness
- Section 3 Auditory perception and hearing testing
- Section 4 Acoustics and physics of sound
- Section 6 Hearing technologies