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New information about the wearing of face coverings

Posted in News

Many thanks to Ian Noon of the NDCS for sharing the following information:

As we all know, face coverings are now mandatory if using public transport in England.

However, the Department for Transport published regulations and guidance over the weekend which set out some important exemptions.

For example, children under the age of 11 will not be required to wear a face covering.

The requirement to wear a face covering also does not apply if you have a reasonable excuse not to.

Reasonable excuses include:

1.       if you have a physical or mental illness or impairment, or a disability that means you cannot put on, wear or remove a face covering

2.       if putting on, wearing or removing a face covering would cause you severe distress

3.       if you are travelling with, or providing assistance to, someone who relies on lip reading to communicate.

The full list of exemptions and reasonable excuses can be found at:


The regulations setting these out in law can be found at:


As far as we can tell, the Department is not publicising these exemptions on social media. There is a risk that not everyone will be familiar with these exemptions so it may be helpful for families to signpost them to government guidance if asked.

Many thanks

Ian noon, NDCS