
Come and join our community of over 1300 members!

Select membership type

Full Membership

Those who hold a recognised mandatory qualification as a Qualified Teacher of Deaf Children and Young People (ToD) and those in training as QToDs. Those in training should send an email or other documentation from either their employer or the course provider to become eligible for the student discount (£20 for each of the two years of the course). Please note that the discount only applies to members paying by direct debit or card. Membership starts from the date of application; the charge, whether by card, direct debit or invoice is from that date and renewal will be due on that annual date or after each subsequent three month period if paying quarterly.

Full Membership

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  • Association Magazine
  • Refereed Journals (DEI) and complimentary downloads of all Journal articles
  • Full access to Consultant
  • Full access to members’ area of website
  • On-line resource area
  • Discounted CPD fees
  • Tax relief
  • Voting rights

Other information

Direct debits and card payments are set as automatic renewal unless cancelled by the user.

Please note there are no refunds for cancellations part way through a payment period.

If required, you can also pay by invoice. To do so, please sign up here.

Terms and Conditions

Retired Membership

Members who have retired from paid employment may choose this category of membership. Membership starts from the date of application; the charge, whether by card, direct debit or invoice is from that date and renewal will be due on that annual date or after each subsequent three month period if paying quarterly.

Retired Membership

Choose another membership type


  • Magazines
  • Journals (DEI) and complimentary downloads of all Journal articles
  • Access to members’ area of website
  • Discounted conference fees

Other information

Direct debits and card payments are set as automatic renewal unless cancelled by the user.

Please note there are no refunds for cancellations part way through a payment period.

If required, you can also pay by invoice. To do so, please sign up here.

Terms and Conditions

Special Membership

Those working with deaf pupils in a support position in the classroom eg. LSAs, CSWs, TAs but who are not acting in the capacity of a teacher. Membership starts from the date of application; the charge, whether by card, direct debit or invoice is from that date and renewal will be due on that annual date or after each subsequent three month period if paying quarterly.

Special Membership

Choose another membership type


  • Magazines
  • Access to members' area of website
  • Discounted BATOD CPD fees

Other information

Direct debits and card payments are set as automatic renewal unless cancelled by the user.

Please note there are no refunds for cancellations part way through a payment period.

If required, you can also pay by invoice. To do so, please sign up here.

Terms and Conditions

Associate Membership

Those not eligible to be full members (for example main school staff member, SENCo, social worker, Speech and Language Therapist, other NHS worker, member of related organisation, parent/carer etc). Membership starts from the date of application; the charge, whether by card, direct debit or invoice is from that date and renewal will be due on that annual date or after each subsequent three month period if paying quarterly.

Associate Membership

Choose another membership type


  • Magazines
  • Refereed Journals (DEI) and complimentary downloads of all Journal articles
  • Access to members' area of website
  • Discounted BATOD CPD fees

Other information

Direct debits and card payments are set as automatic renewal unless cancelled by the user.

Please note there are no refunds for cancellations part way through a payment period.

If required, you can also pay by invoice. To do so, please sign up here.

Terms and Conditions

Overseas Membership

Overseas members satisfy the criteria for Full/Associate membership within their own countries. Membership starts from the date of application; the charge, whether by card or invoice is from that date and renewal will be due on that annual date.

Overseas Membership

Choose another membership type


  • Magazines (either pdfs or in hard copy; subscription varies accordingly)
  • Journals (DEI) with complimentary downloads of all Journal articles
  • Full access to members' area of website
  • On-line resource area
  • Discounted BATOD CPD fees

Other information

Full Membership: £120 /yearly

Online only Membership: £55 /yearly

Special Membership: Free for national professionals working at grassroots level in deaf education in developing countries. This membership is subject to a recommendation from an UK-based BATOD full member. To discuss further please contact Teresa Quail, BATOD Co-NEO, via

Other information

Direct debits and card payments are set as automatic renewal unless cancelled by the user.

Please note there are no refunds for cancellations part way through a payment period.

Terms and Conditions

Qualified Teachers of children and young people with Multi-Sensory Impairment

Joint Membership

As a special offer for QTMSIs and teachers who are dual qualified (QTVI and TOD), it is now possible to join both BATOD and VIEW and benefit from their support, information, advice and the online version of their specialist publications (magazine and journals) for the total sum* of a BATOD membership.

Qualified Teachers of children and young people with Multi-Sensory Impairment

Choose another membership type


  • This membership allows QTMSIs and teachers who are dual qualified (QTVI and TOD) to enjoy access to BATOD and VIEW. Members are able to access support, information and advice and online versions of BATOD magazines and journals.

Other information

You must register with each organisation.

Joint offer £85 (broken down as follows):

£50 to join BATOD (online membership only access)

£35 to join VIEW ( VIEW email contact –

*upon evidence of qualification and an application to both organisations for membership.

Terms and Conditions


Other information:

Direct debits and card payments are set as automatic renewal unless cancelled by the user.

Please note there are no refunds for cancellations part way through a payment period.

Heads of Sensory Support (HoSS)

Joint Membership

If you are a Head of a Sensory Support Service/Specialist Teaching Services/Manager of SEND, you are eligible to apply for this joint membership. This offer is available to all above service managers, whether or not you hold a mandatory qualification in the field of sensory impairment.

Heads of Sensory Support (HoSS)

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  • This membership allows Service Managers (whether or not you hold a mandatory qualification ) to enjoy access to BATOD and VIEW. Members are able to access support, information and advice and online versions of BATOD magazines and journals.

Other information

BATOD and VIEW, the professional bodies for QToDs and QTVIs respectively, have an exciting offer for such Heads/Managers who manage sensory support services but are not qualified Teachers of the Deaf, vision impairment or multi-sensory impairment.  We would like to extend our membership to holders of these roles.

As a special offer it is now possible to join both organisations and benefit from their support, information, advice and the online version of their specialist publications (magazine and journals) for the total sum* of a BATOD membership.

You must register with each organisation.

Joint offer £85 (broken down as follows):

£50 to join BATOD (online membership only access)

£35 to join VIEW ( VIEW email contact – membership@viewweb.o)

*upon evidence of  application to both organisations for membership.


Other information:

Direct debits and card payments are set as automatic renewal unless cancelled by the user.

Please note there are no refunds for cancellations part way through a payment period.

Terms and Conditions

Educational Audiologists

Joint Membership

As a special offer for Educational Audiologists it is now possible to join both BATOD and BAEA and benefit from their support, information and advice. The offer includes access to the online version of BATOD's specialist publications (magazine and journals) for the total sum of a BATOD membership.

Educational Audiologists

Choose another membership type


  • This membership allows qualified Educational Audiologists (and those in training) to enjoy access to BATOD and BAEA. Members are able to access support, information and advice and online versions of BATOD magazines and journals.

Other information

You must register with each organisation.

Joint offer £85 (broken down as follows):

£55 to join BATOD (online membership only access). Membership is paid annually by debit/credit card or direct debit

£30 to join BAEA

Terms and Conditions

Evidence of an Educational Audiology qualification or evidence of training to become an Educational Audiologist and an application to both organisations for membership is required.

Other information:

Direct debits and card payments are set as automatic renewal unless cancelled by the user.

Please note there are no refunds for cancellations part way through a payment period.

Terms and Conditions

Why sign up

BATOD is the sole professional association for Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People in the UK. The Association represents the interests of Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People, and those that they teach, with a range of Government and other agencies. This includes CPD courses and national and regional meetings to provide relevant up-to-date information and to disseminate good practice. Strong links are maintained between BATOD and Government and in order to maintain our strong credibility in the eyes of the Department For Education and such bodies as Ofqual, it is essential that BATOD represents the great majority of Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People in the four countries of the UK. If you are not already a member please submit your application so that BATOD can have the weight it needs to influence policy and practice in deaf education.

Read an article about ‘What do I get for my membership fee?‘.

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