Locally sourced resources
Sustainable Ling 6 resources ideas that can be created locally by families and/or communities that support educational settings. (Thank you to Mrs Alex Moorcroft for knitting the sample objects).

Oo (moon /*Rwanda translation – ukwezi, monkey),
Mm (pineapple, cool water bottle, Cola, Soda , banana)
Ss (snake, sound of water bottle opening, sound of Cola bottle opening, sound of Soda bottle opening)
*Soda term used in some areas for fizzy drinks
Further suggestions
Mm – up to 250Hz – mmmmmama (use picture of child’s mother)
Oo – up to 750H Gorilla
Ah – 1000Hz – ‘Jaaaaaambo!’ Spread out the aaaaaa (Kenyan**)
Ee – up to 3000Hz ‘hibari!’ or in agreement with someone, people say eeeeee (Kenyan**)
Sh – 2000Hz (sleeping child/baby)
Ss 4 – 6000Hz siafu (whisper the whole word with emphasise on the ‘ss’) (Kenyan**)
** Thank you to Rosemary Gardner for the Kenyan specific examples. Rosemary is a BATOD member and Auditory Verbal Therapist. She who works closely with professional peers in Kenya.
Contact Teresa Quail ([email protected]) if you have further examples to add to the list.
Further resources created with our BATOD members will be added to the website soon.