Training opportunities after qualifying as a Teacher of Deaf Children and Young People
This page gives information about courses which are available for the further training and development of Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People once they have gained the mandatory qualification.
Read the information on this page for the courses offered by each provider
Mary Hare courses in partnership with Liverpool John Moore University
Signature and Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) – Sign Language (British and Irish)
University based courses*
*Any questions should be addressed to the university in question.
The University of Birmingham
MA Mandatory Qualification (Deaf Education)
Students who are successful in gaining their PGDip (Deaf Education) may continue into a third year of study, engage in a research study linked to an aspect of deaf education, complete a dissertation (60 credits), and finally achieve the MA Mandatory Qualification (Deaf Education).
Tutor guidance is provided throughout.
Students who, for whatever reason are not pursuing the aim of becoming a teacher of the deaf, but who nevertheless wish to make a difference in the life of deaf children may follow the MA (Deaf Education) route. After the first two years a research study followed by a dissertation are embarked upon (60 credits), and the successful student finally achieves the MA (Deaf Education).
Tutor guidance is provided throughout.
Enquiries to Dr Emmanouela Terlektsi: [email protected]
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
There is the opportunity to work towards a further professional qualification in the field of deaf education both within schools and in other settings, including progression to a PhD. The excellent careers advice provided by personal tutors has encouraged many of our graduates to successfully apply for leadership roles working with hearing impaired children and young people. These include: specialist teachers, educational audiologists, teaching assistants, speech and language therapists, youth workers, social workers, counsellors and BSL interpreters.
Further opportunities across SEN and Inclusion
We also offer a number of other programmes across a range of SEN and Inclusion that may be relevant to your needs.
The University of Edinburgh – Moray House School of Education
Those who successfully complete the Diploma can progress to the MSc, which can take an additional year. Further details are here. Dr Audrey Cameron and Dr Imran Mulla are both available to supervise Masters dissertations.
The Edinburgh course offers students close support and liaison with deaf education services, a research-active environment in relation to deaf children’s school achievements, social backgrounds and plurilingual identities, and a strong track record of supporting deaf as well as hearing students to become QToDs.
We work closely with the Scottish Sensory Centre: Students from the rest of the UK and the Republic of Ireland are also welcome and we work towards the Scottish as well as the English competencies. Students from the rest of the UK or internationally are also welcome to apply for Masters or PhD study. Please contact the course director, Rachel O’Neill, for further details and more about how to apply. Tel: 0131 651 6429 or [email protected] website:
The University of Leeds
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Deaf Education
The University of Leeds also offers the opportunity to undertake further study in the field of deaf education either through a Ph.D. or an Ed.D.
For further information regarding the Ph.D.and Ed.D programmes visit this page of the University website.
If you would like to discuss a possible application please email Professor Ruth Swanwick, Professor in Deaf Education or Dr Jackie Salter, Associate Professor in Inclusive (SEND) and Deaf education.
The University of Manchester
MSc Deaf Education
QToDs who gained the PgDip at Manchester are able to return and complete the 60 credit dissertation to gain a full MSc in Deaf Education.
At Manchester we believe in evidence-based practice in the field and to demonstrate our commitment to this we now have an annual Manchester Centenary Bursary Award to support MSc completion (
Please email us for further information.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Working towards a PhD in the field of deaf education gives you the opportunity to grow your skills as a researcher and add value to the field in your specific area of expertise.
If you would like to discuss doing a PhD with us, please email Dr Helen Chilton; [email protected]
Supporting your work with early years / enhancing your audiological knowledge (short CPD course)
CPD modules within our Advanced Audiology (Paediatric Pathway) programme are appropriate for QToDs looking to enhance their work with children in the early years or excel in audiological management. All modules can be studied as discrete CPD units or learners can build credits up to graduate with a Postgraduate Certificate (60 credits) or Postgraduate Diploma (120 credits). The modules available are:
Effective amplification (30 credits)
This distance learning CPD course in Effective Amplification for Infants and Children enables QToDs to learn more about managing amplification in babies and deaf children. Learners will understand more about how aids are fitted to infants, verification measures, evaluation methods in the clinic and real world, acoustics of speech, radio hearing aid systems, multidisciplinary and multi-agency approaches to effective amplification. There is also a focus on managing challenges presented by some audiograms/circumstances and the management of hearing aid reviews.
Children with Complex Needs and Hearing Loss (15 credits)
This module explores audiological care and considerations for children with additional complex factors including intellectual and physical disabilities. It explores behavioural and logistical factors that influence the outcomes of hearing assessment and rehabilitative approaches. The learner is given the opportunity to reflect on the application of different approaches and their own professional experiences.
Paediatric Tinnitus (15 credits)
This module is an opportunity to investigate theoretical and practical aspects of paediatric tinnitus. Techniques to assess tinnitus in children and a range of management options are explored.
Developing Deaf Child (15 credits)
This module enables QToDs to update their knowledge on the latest research and practice developments pertaining to deaf children’s development. It covers aspects of learning and cognition (including executive function and Theory of Mind), working with families and working with children with additional and complex needs.
Language Acquisition (15 credits)
This module enables QToDs to update their knowledge on the latest research and practice developments pertaining to how deaf children acquire language. It considers the latest knowledge and thinking surrounding language development post early identification and the latest evidence on what needs to be in place for deaf children.
To view our CPD units online go to:
If you would like to discuss any of our CPD modules or are considering returning to us to complete your MSc please email:
Dr Helen Chilton; [email protected] and Lindsey Jones; [email protected]
Mary Hare courses in partnership with Liverpool John Moore University
Mary Hare courses in partnership with Liverpool John Moores University
Those who successfully complete a ToD qualification, can apply to undertake a Masters dissertation (one year 60 credits), subject to contract.
PGDipEducational Audiology with Early Years focus options
This course, unique in the UK, trains students to become Educational Audiologists. Early Years training is available on the Educational Audiology Courses, embedded as part of each module listed below, and also as a significant student-chosen focus option for each module’s independent study and assignment.
The course provides opportunity for the development of knowledge and critical reflection on the scientific principles and research underlying audiological practice and habilitation of children and young people who are deaf. Students will be encouraged to develop and relate evidence-based practice to their own professional experience. Practical workshops, and work-based placements are used to support the acquisition of practical and professional skills. Teaching and learning experiences include lectures and demonstrations, tutor and student-led seminars and discussion groups.
All PGDip students undertake a minimum of 120 hours work-based experience in a combination of NHS Audiology Clinics, and Education-based Audiology roles, supervised by well-qualified and experienced practitioners. Practice in the workplace is based on consolidation and evaluation of skills (by both the student and their workplace mentor) which forms part of the student’s Clinical and School Audiology Placement (CASAP). Students provide on-going critical reflection related to their skills practice and learning needs.
Practical skills training includes: pure tone audiometry, impression-taking for over 5 year olds (BSA certificate), radio aid balancing, hearing aid programming, room acoustics measurement and test box measurements.
The course is blended learning with residential study weekends (five in year 1 and 4 in year 2) and distance learning in between. The PGDip has an intake every two years, with the next being Sept 2026. Single module CPD will be on offer subject to contract.
Year 1 (academic year 2026-27):
Anatomy and Physiology of the Ear 15 credits
Speech Acoustics 15 credits
Clinical Audiology 15 credits
Educational Audiology in Context 15 credits
Year 2 (academic year 2027-28):
Developing Communication and Multi-disciplinary working 15 credits
Psycho-acoustics 15 credits
Whole Case Management 15 credits
Family Friendly and Multi-Agency Working 15 credits
Year 3 (for MSc): Research Methods and Dissertation 60 credits (subject to contract)
Additional courses
Auditory Verbal UK (AVUK)
Foundation Level – Working Through Audition
This distance learning course has been designed to equip professionals with the core skills needed to develop auditory practice when working with pre-school children with hearing loss and their families.
This course comprises 36 hours of tuition and is delivered over 24 weeks (term-time only) using a combination of fortnightly live interactive webinars, online video presentations and practical assignments.
Topics covered in this course include:
- Working through audition
- Moving on from the ling sounds
- Going from one to two key words
- Checking understanding through listening
- Speech acoustics
- The parent journey
Fees £945, bursary funding covering up to 100% of the fees may be available. For more information about this training and bursary funding please email [email protected]
Watch video here
Advanced Level – Auditory Verbal principles in everyday practice
This distance-learning course is open to professionals with a pre-school caseload who have successfully completed AVUK’s foundation course or similar foundation course and who wish to develop their auditory practice further. Our advanced course supports participants who want to become certified Listening & Spoken Language Specialists (LSLS CertAVT / LSLS CertAVEd) to meet all of AG Bell Academy’s certification requirements. The course is delivered in small cohorts (5 ppl max) over 2½ years (term time only) and has been accredited for 78 hours of continued professional development. As well as monthly interactive webinars and online video presentations, this in-depth training also includes 20 1-2-1 mentoring sessions and ongoing support to certification.
Fees £5,700, bursary funding covering up to 100% of the fees available for Teachers of the Deaf working with preschool children in the UK. For more information about this training and bursary funding please email [email protected]
Sign Language (British and Irish)
Signature and Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
Signature is a national charity and the leading awarding body for deaf communication and language qualifications in the UK. With over 40 years’ experience, we’ve supported more than 500,000 people to learn British Sign Language.
All Signature qualifications are nationally recognised and accredited by Ofqual (The office of the Qualifications and Examinations regulator).
Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)
SQA Awards are practice-based work qualifications for specific sectors, providing skills and recognition for a diverse range of learners.