Information for non-members about Deafness and Education International

Deafness and Education International is a peer-reviewed journal published quarterly by Taylor and Francis, in alliance with BATOD and the National Australian Association of Teachers of the Deaf (NAATD). The journal provides a forum for teachers and other professionals involved with the education and development of deaf infants, children and young people, and readily welcome relevant contributions from this area of expertise.
Submissions may fall within the areas of linguistics, education, personal-social and cognitive developments of deaf children, spoken language, sign language, deaf culture and traditions, audiological issues, cochlear implants, educational technology and educational l issues that impinge on deaf children and young people. The types of submissions considered include research papers, work in progress reports, reviews, survey articles, conference reports and response to previously published articles. Instructions for authors can be found at and should be consulted before a manuscript is submitted.
All submissions must be made online at
Please contact the Editor in Chief [email protected] for advice prior to submitting a manuscript, if you are interested in acting as a reviewer for the journal, or if you have suggestions for themes and topics which can be developed in the publication.
For further information including journal news, subscription rates and ordering details, advertising rates, and abstracting and indexing details please visit
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