Information | 15.06.2024 | By Teresa Quail

BATOD publications: ‘Articulating the specialism’ series

Mainstream settings

In June 2022, the BATOD National Executive Council (NEC) published a document Articulating the specialism (The role of QToD in mainstream settings) to support dialogues with professionals eg Headteachers, school Governors, coordinators in role for those supporting CYP with additional needs ie SENDCo (England), ASN Co-ordinator (Scotland), ALNCo (Additional Learning Needs) (Wales), Learning Support Co-ordinator (NI). The June 2024 this document was revised and is available to access here.

Early years

In June 2024 NEC added to the Articulating the specialism series with this document Articulating the specialism – Early years. We hope this resource will be useful for you in the dialogues with parents/carers and professionals such as

  • Education services such as special educational needs coordinators (SENCOs), ASN Co-ordinator (Scotland), ALNCo (Additional Learning Needs) (Wales), Learning Support Co-ordinator (NI), children’s centres, private and voluntary early years settings, and schools.
  • Health services such as newborn hearing screening services, paediatric audiology services, health visitors and school nurses.
  • Speech and language therapy services commissioned by health bodies and/or local authorities.
  • Social care and other family support services.

Higher education (HE)

In November 2024, informed by past BATOD articles and experiences of current QToDs in higher education, BATOD published a new document ‘Articulating the specialism – the role of the QToD in HE ‘. The QToD is known as a Special Support Professional (SSP) in HE. An SSP’s input is bespoke support for the individual needs of deaf students, reflecting their method of communication, educational history, and experience.

Please do consider sharing with us about how you use this resource and the outcome(s).

We will review these resources annually  and welcome your feedback via [email protected]