Assessment arrangements for 2023 – information from Ofqual

Both Ofqual and the Department for Education (DfE) have published decisions on arrangements for 2023:
- Ofqual has published an article setting out our approach to grading for 2023. Ofqual’s aim for those sitting exams and assessments in 2023 is to return to results in line with those in pre-pandemic years, as the next step in getting back to normal.
- DfE has published a statement setting out their decisions on adaptations for exams in 2023. DfE has decided students will continue to be provided with support in GCSE mathematics, physics and combined science with formulae and equation sheets and, in light of this, Ofqual has launched a consultation on these plans. The consultation will close on 20 October.
- DfE has decided students taking GCSEs, AS and A levels will not be provided with advance information on the focus of exams next summer.
- DfE and Ofqual are jointly consulting on guidance to schools and colleges about gathering assessment evidence to support resilience in the general qualifications system. The guidance proposes schools and colleges gather evidence in a way that aligns with their normal arrangements for preparing students for exams. The consultation will close on 20 October.
- DfE and Ofqual are both consulting separately on plans to remove the expectation that students engage with unfamiliar and abstract material, such as unfamiliar vocabulary, within modern foreign language (MFL) GCSE assessments from 2023 onwards. DfE’s consultation covers the curriculum, while Ofqual’s consultation covers exam content and how it is assessed. Both consultations will close on 20 October.
The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) is providing information on their website about the provisional June 2023 GCSE, AS and A-level exam timetables and special consideration arrangements for 2023. There are links to the exam boards’ provisional timetables and further information about how to provide comments on these. Comments should be sent to exam boards by 13 October. The exam timetables for summer 2023 seeks to maintain some of the space built into the exam timetable in 2022 between the first and last exams in the same subject. This spacing was well received by schools and colleges in 2022 and reduces the chance of students missing all exams in a subject due to circumstances such as illness.
To confirm, arrangements for vocational and technical qualifications (VTQs) and other general qualifications were confirmed in May 2022. Ofqual does not expect any further adaptations to be used in VTQs. For VTQs used alongside or instead of GCSEs and A levels, awarding organisations are expected to take account of the approach to grading in general qualifications so that students taking VTQs are not advantaged or disadvantaged in comparison.
If you have any questions or would find it useful to speak to a member of the team, please do get in touch with us.
Best wishes,
Lauren Riddell
Senior Officer Policy and Strategic Relationships, Ofqual