Information | 20.08.2020 | By paul_simpson

ALTWG – Quality Standards


Quality Standards

The Quality Standards for use of personal radio aids was published by the NDCS in collaboration with the Working Group in March 2017.  It  can be downloaded here or from the NDCS website.

Good Practice Guide

The Good Practice Guide for Radio Aids offers practical advice, strategies and evidence based practice to enable all those using or managing personal radio aids to consider their practice and achieve the Quality Standards.

We aim to build a folder of evidence based practice in relation to each QS to support all those involved with provision, use and management of radio aids. If you would like to add to this body of information please email the Working Group via [email protected].   We will also be delighted to have any examples of everyday practice which show how you are meeting these standards. Please email your copy to us with a clear indication if you wish to be named or remain anonymous. Thank you for your interest.

Reproduction of any of the content is allowed for training purposes on the understanding that the source will be cited.

The majority of the newly revised Good Practice Guide is available to download below. (The final few outstanding sections will be published here shortly.)

Good Practice Guides for Radio Aids for key sections of the Quality Standards

The full document can be downloaded here.

Quality Standards for the use of personal radio aids: promoting easier listening for deaf children – related guidance

Section 1. Cover and Foreword

Section 2. Introduction

Section 3. Candidacy for receiving a personal radio aid: Q1 & QS2

Good Practice Guide (GPG)  QS1 Candidacy for provision

QS1 links

GPG QS2 Financial arrangements

Section 4 Fitting and setting up of personal radio aids 

QS3 Customised set up of radio aid system (in preparation)

GPG QS4 Complete system listening check 

GPG QS5 Training and written information

Section 5 Management and use of personal radio aids

GPG QS6 Management and development

QS7 Daily subjective checks

GPG QS8 Electroacoustic checks – hearing aids  

GPG QS8 Electroacoustic checks – auditory implants

GPG QS9 Roles and responsibilities

Section 6 Evaluation of personal radio aids for individual children 

GPG QS10 Evaluation to determine benefit; SiN tests  

GPG QS11 Health and education liaison

Associated guidance

Section 7  Use of personal radio aids with soundfield systems 

GPG QS12 Radio aids with soundfield systems

Section 8 Conclusion

Section 9 References