Dates: 26.04. – 27.04.2024
Place: The Grand Hotel, Malahide, Co. Dublin, Ireland
Congress languages: English (interpretation will be provided into International Sign, Irish Sign and British Sign Language)
Theme: Diversity in deaf education
Exploring the diversity of deaf learners in their many lives: implications for our knowledge and practice
Each deaf child or young person brings a unique experience to their education. The combination of their varying home cultures, their additional needs and their perspectives on their own lived experience raises questions about how to shape practice and monitor outcomes.
Call for contributions
Call for contributions now open. Downloadable copy available here.
The European Federation of Associations of Teachers of the Deaf (FEAPDA), National Council for Special Education (NCSE) and British Association of Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People (BATOD), with support from BATOD Northern Ireland, invite all interested parties (teachers, professionals, lecturers, researchers, developers and manufacturers of technical devices, service providers, service users, policy makers, students etc) to present their work.
Deaf children and young people form a diverse group with varying experiences of hearing loss but who are also affected by other aspects of their lives. Additional medical and/or educational needs, cultural and social backgrounds and every individual’s own life experience will influence their experience of deafness.
Papers and presentations may consider issues such as:
- Meeting the needs of children who are deaf with additional needs;
- Meeting the needs of children whose deafness is not their primary need;
- The experience of deaf children from minority communities;
- How deaf individuals experience and define their own identities
Abstracts for paper presentations (30 min), workshops/interactive presentations (60 min) and poster presentations are welcomed.
Submission guidelines
- All materials should be provided in English.
- Abstracts should be submitted in Word format.
- Word limit for abstracts is 250 words.
- For presentations on empirical studies, data collection and all analyses must be completed prior to submission.
- The following may NOT be entered: charts, graphs, tables, bullet points, indentations.
- Files and/or videos may not be uploaded as attachments.
- Abstracts cannot be modified once they have been submitted.
- There is no limit on the number of abstracts that may be submitted by one person or organisation. But please do not submit the same abstract twice, once as a paper presentation and once as a poster for example. Doing so will not increase your chance of being accepted. When duplicate submissions are found, one of the two will be deleted. Instead, choose the format of presentation in which you would prefer to participate.
- Do enter names of co-authors on your abstract. Organisers will list them in the conference programme.
- A maximum of four presenters may be listed per abstract. Once an abstract is accepted for presentation, changes to this list of presenters may not be made. Presenters cannot be added, and substitutions will not be accepted. The abstract submitter is responsible for ensuring that all persons listed have agreed to be listed on the abstract.
- Abstracts that have been submitted or presented elsewhere are not automatically rejected. However, we ask you to inform us when and where the material has been submitted or presented.
- The abstract should be accompanied by an indication of the type of presentation (paper presentation, workshop/interactive presentation, poster) and full information about the author/presenter: first and last names, email address, affiliation (e.g. university, institute, school, …) and its postal address.
- You are also required to submit a programme description of 50 words or less. This will be used in the conference programme. It should accurately capture the subject of your presentation and tell the conference attendees why they should choose to attend your presentation or review your poster.
Deadline for submission
Submission must be completed by 5pm Friday 12th January 2024.
Submission address
Please send your proposals to [email protected]
Criteria and process of selection
The congress programme committee will select the presenters according to the following criteria:
- relevance to the topic of the conference;
- innovative content;
- clarity of the contribution.
All candidates will be informed about the results of the selection via email, no later than 3 month after the submission deadline.
All abstracts of the selected contributions will be made available on the Congress website
Confirming the presentation in the final programme
- Everyone listed on the abstract submission is expected to attend the conference as a presenter.
- In order to attend, all presenters must register and pay for the conference.
- The presenters are responsible for all costs associated with their participation in the event.
- Inclusion in the final programme is conditional on registration and payment of the registration fee by the presenting authors.
Information about the participation fees can be found on the congress website
- For any further questions please contact us: [email protected]

Getting there:
- Dublin is an easily accessible city where everything is nearby.
- Bus: Bus to and from Dublin Airport | Dublin City Centre and Suburbs
- Car: Drop off and Pick Up – Dublin Airport, Car Hire: Hertz, Eurocar, Newway, Avis.
- Taxi: Taxi Hire and Information | Dublin Airport Taxi Rank at Airport
The Grand Hotel– The conference rate is €160 for a single occupancy room and €200 for a double occupancy room, including breakfast. Accommodation is limited, so please book early.
Other local options:
- White Sands Hotel, Portmarnock
- Portmarnock Hotel and Golf Links
- Metro Dublin Airport
- Travel Lodge Dublin Airport
- Maldron Dublin Airport
- Radission Blu Dublin Airport