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SEN Support and the Equality Act

Pentonville Road
National Deaf Children’s Society
26th June 2018
All day

The SEND Code of Practice sets out a new legal framework for supporting children with special educational needs (SEN). But what does it mean and how can you ensure that deaf children with SEN support get the help they need?

The SEND Code of Practice sets out a new legal framework for supporting children with special educational needs (SEN). But what does it mean and how can you ensure that deaf children with SEN support get the help they need?

This half-day workshop will help you understand the legal requirements to support deaf children, particularly those who do not have an Education, Health and Care plan. You’ll learn how to improve your professional practice and how the ‘assess, plan, do, review’ cycle can be applied to deaf children. We will also discuss the Equality Act 2010 and what the duties to advance equality of opportunity and to make reasonable adjustments mean for you in practice. You’ll leave the workshop more confident about your role in ensuring that there is good quality support for all children and young people with sensory needs

email: [email protected]

website link: https://senldn.eventbrite.co.uk