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Con Powell Scholarship applications for 2024

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Con Powell Scholarship applications for 2024

Do you know a teacher who wants to train as a Teacher of Deaf Children and Young People but whose LA or school is not obliged to provide funding for them? This could be for them!

On behalf of the Ovingdean Hall Foundation and working with the Ewing Foundation, BATOD administers the Con Powell Scholarship, which provides up to five bursaries each year for teachers not currently working with deaf children. The Scholarship currently covers funding* for the course fees at any of the four course providers in England** and is open to teachers resident in the UK. In addition, mentoring support is provided from a professional who is experienced in the field of Deaf Education on a regular basis, for the duration of the course and in the first year post-qualification of working as a Qualified Teacher of Deaf Children and Young People.

* fees do not include cover, accommodation, travel and consumables

Applicants will have to show evidence of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and full details of their chosen course provider including the name and number of the course and a provisional or full offer of a place, information about their current employment, a personal statement highlighting why they wish to undertake this training and that they understand the commitment required to complete the course, proof that their local authority or school is not obliged to fund their training (which they will be if the job involves teaching deaf children/young people) and evidence that they have tried to obtain funding elsewhere (for example a grant-making body or LA/Government). Finally they need to provide two referees. There will be an interview element to the process.

The current application period, for courses starting in September 2024, is now open and runs until 5th April. Interviews will be held in May and successful candidates notified in June. Further details can be found on the BATOD website Con Powell Scholarship page.

Please do share the information with any friends or colleagues who you think might be interested in this opportunity to train as a Teacher of Deaf Children and Young People.



Please check your application carefully before submitting as there is no function to save a draft of your application.


Articles about the current offers from each of the English course providers can be downloaded here:

University of Birmingham

University of Hertfordshire (Mary Hare course)

University of Leeds

University of Manchester