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CIICA’S 4th Birthday & International CI Day: Young Adults with Cochlear Implants Launch their Agenda

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“This new stakeholders group, the first to receive hearing through cochlear implants as children, are now entering higher education and the world of work.”
“As part of the new generation of deaf people working and thriving in the hearing world, this Agenda exists to connect us to a wider community across the world …”

Visit the CIICA website to download their Young Adults with Cochlear Implants – Our Agenda

“On CIICA’s fourth birthday and CI International Day, we are delighted to share the Agenda that a global group of Young Adults with CI has been working on.
This new stakeholders’ group, the first to receive hearing through cochlear implants as children, are now entering higher education and the world of work.See their recommendations for the provision of lifelong services, increased accessibility and public awareness.

While CI solves so many problems, there are a few that could be solved with just a bit more attentive, lifelong care.

A global group of Young Adults with Cochlear Implants have come together to make an exciting video about the small changes they would like to see to make their life even better with this great technology. Watch the video on the CIICA website.

I’ve always heard through my cochlear it’s all I know

Agenda project supported by AICE, York Uni, Toronto, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada”