A message from the RCS:
We are delighted to share with you details of our upcoming BA Performance in BSL and English free Taster courses.
These courses are designed to provide an insight into what studying full-time on the BA Performance in BSL and English programme at RCS is like, and to prepare applicants for the audition process.
As these sessions are currently available online, we hope this will improve accessibility and encourage uptake from potential applicants who wouldn’t normally be in a position to attend a course in Scotland, in person.
Our next intake for the BA Performance in BSL and English degree course will be in 2021 and applications are now open – click here for more information. Application packs can be requested by emailing:
The application deadline has been extended to 31st March.
If you have any questions about applying to this programme or the audition process, we are offering ‘Open Door’ sessions on Mondays between 4-5pm. This means you can email in advance to organise a video call on any Monday during term time and can speak directly to one of the staff team.
To make an appointment, please email Head of Programme Claire Lamont – [email protected].
Open Door: https://youtu.be/gRBQia-MLSw
If you have any general queries relating to the application process or studying at the Conservatoire (e.g. accommodation, fees, etc.) please email [email protected] at any time.
Please note, the Admissions and Recruitment teams do not use BSL, so can be contacted either by email or by using Contact BSL Scotland to speak with our team: https://contactscotland-bsl.org/contact-us/)