The role of the Treasurer of the Regions and Nations
The role of the Treasurer of the Regions and Nations
Guidelines for Regional or National Treasurers
• A nominated member of the Regional/National committee must be the treasurer.
• This treasurer is responsible for the accounts of the Constituent Region/Nation. These will include accounts for the running costs of the committee and for any events arranged by the Region/Nation.
• The association will fund required running costs of the committees of the Constituent Regions/Nations.
• The BATOD Treasurer, in liaison with the Regions and Nations, will review the opening balance required annually, to ensure it accurately reflects current running costs.
• Where required, the BATOD Treasurer will top up the balance from association funds, should there be a shortfall after the accounts have been submitted. A request for the additional funds should be made to the BATOD Treasurer. The BATOD Treasurer will consider the request and notify the Region/Nation of the outcome.
• Where the Region/Nation has funds in excess of the agreed opening balance, this surplus should be transferred to the national funds.
• The Constituent Region/Nation’s bank account should have at least two signatories although only one is needed to sign cheques.
• Annual accounts should be drawn up to the 31st July and examined. The examiner of the accounts need not be an accountant but must not be a family member or another member of the committee.
• The financial year will be based on the national BATOD financial year: 1st August to 31st July.
• The annual accounts should be sent to the BATOD Treasurer by 31 October each year having been approved by the Regional/National committee.
• The accounts should detail the opening balance, all income and expenditure for the Region/Nation and the closing balance. They should be signed and dated by the treasurer and the person checking the accounts before submission to the national treasurer.
• The Constituent Regional/National Treasurer should only pay expenses using cheques or online banking on receipt of receipts and should maintain a record of these.
• There is no set format for claims forms but it is recommended that the Region/Nations adapt the NEC format. It is recommended that claims are submitted electronically.
• All claims should be countersigned by a member of the committee before payment by the treasurer. This can be done electronically.
• An electronic copy of all financial documents must be maintained for five years. All paperwork must be maintained in line with GDPR requirements and destroyed confidentially when the required period has elapsed.
• Expenses to committee members should be paid at the same rate as for NEC members (e.g. second class rail travel; 30p per mile).
• Constituent Regional or National conferences should break even. When budgeting for the conference, all anticipated costs should be factored in. before calculating the delegate fee. The costs of interpreters may be reimbursed by association funds if necessary but in the first instance the Region/Nation should ask the attendee requiring the interpreters to use Access to Work if at all possible. Provision and funding of interpreters should be consistent with the BATOD policy on access requirements
• Costs incurred in the event of cancellation by delegates should be in line with the BATOD cancellation policy
• Regions/Nations can apply for an advance in exceptional circumstances e.g. to fund conference costs in advance, by making a business case to the BATOD Treasurer. The additional funding will be paid back to the BATOD Treasurer after the event/conference.
For any further queries/concerns the regional/national treasurer should contact the BATOD Treasurer by phone, web call or email for advice and support.
Alison Weaver
BATOD Treasurer
Updated March 2021