Free webinar recording*
Due to the unusual circumstances created in the early stage of the pandemic, BATOD made their first webinar freely available

Connevans MED-EL
The accessible recording of the first BATOD National webinar is now available. The webinar features the two keynote speakers: Dr Helen Willis and international speaker, Emmie Wienhoven.
Dr Helen Willis – The future for the cyborg generations: Helping CI users live in harmony with their technology
Emmie Wienhoven, Project Manager International Knowlede Exchange, Royal Dutch Kentalis. –Literacy for Deaf and hard of hearing children in Uganda and Tanzania.
The recording of the webinar is now available here: Links to the Padlets (that include the Keynotes’ presentations and other materials) have been added to the video description.
Thank you to BATOD National Conference committee, our sponsors and RedBee Media.
BATOD Midlands and University of Birmingham (Nov 2020)
The University of Birmingham, with support from BATOD Midland, as part of the Festival of Social Science delivered the webinar ‘Switched on for sound: how one device changed deaf children’s lives forever’. Dr Emmanouela Terlektsi, Senior Lecturer in Deaf Education at the University of Birmingham gave permission for her presentation to be shared. The recording of the event can be found here.