Current Research in and related to deaf education
At a meeting of the Education Research Consortium early in 2007 it was agreed that BATOD would host a webpage listing current research in deaf education. This would cover anything related to education of deaf children and young people. It could include medical research eg CIs but where the research is relevant to educational matters.
Information outline
- Establishment (plus logo?)
- Research title
- Start date – target end date
- Brief description of research (say <500 words?)
- relevant funding sources where appropriate
- Hyperlink directly to website information
- Email for further details
Information may be submitted for inclusion in the folder email to: [email protected]
It is hoped that there will be an annual check on this folder content to report any completions etc so follow-up is possible either through the BATOD publications channels or otherwise. The info we receive needs to be outlined then we can check it annually at least – probably more frequently – eg 3 or 6 monthly. New items may be added at any time.