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Research study (University of East Anglia) – Recruitment request for BLoCKS

Posted in News

See below a recruitment request from the University of East Anglia

“Are you the parent of a deaf* infant under 12 months? Join our study!

We’re exploring how different language experiences influence the way babies learn about the world. If your baby is aged under 12 months with moderate to profound deafness, we’d love to hear from you!

Our study is based in Norwich, UK, and we can cover travel and accommodation costs to support your visit from across the UK

Not sure if your family meets the criteria? We’re happy to help—just get in touch!

Families receive two gifts for their baby (a book and a t-shirt) and two vouchers (each worth £10) for their time.

If your baby is slightly older, we’d still love to hear from you—please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Register here to learn more: https://bit.ly/3U2XMBR

*We use the term “deaf” to include infants with moderate to profound deafness and hearing or d/Deaf parents. We understand families may use different terms to describe their baby’s identity.”