CRIDE Group Membership 2023/2024
As of January 2024, representatives included: British Association of Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People, British Association of Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People Cymru, Frank Barnes School for Deaf Children, Longwill School for the Deaf, National Deaf Children’s Society, Royal School for the Deaf Derby, UCL, University of Edinburgh, former heads of services or consultants with expertise in deafness, and specialist education services for deaf children in Cambridgeshire, Camden, Kent, and Leeds. In Scotland, a separate CRIDE reference group is in place. Members include: British Association of Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People, National Deaf Children’s Society, Scottish Sensory Centre, University of Edinburgh, Aberdeenshire Sensory Service, Ayrshire Hearing Impairment Service, Fife Sensory Service and Highland Deaf Education Service.
If you have any questions about the CRIDE surveys or reports, please contact [email protected].