7b. QToDs and assessments
Qualified Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People (QToDs)
•understand that assessments are crucial to inform statutory processes such as Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs), Additional Learning Provision (ALP), Child Plans, etc
•know about the standardisation processes around the different assessments and what these means for a DCYP
•know how to use a wide range of assessments (as appropriate) to monitor a DCYP’s communication and language development
•monitor communication, receptive, and expressive language skills, taking account of the first language used by the DCYP
•monitor functional listening skills through personal amplification and assistive listening technology and the different situations in which a DCYP spends their time
•know when assessments show that there could be an additional need and how to seek a differential diagnosis
•consider how adaptations might be possible to ascertain skills in children where formal assessment may be difficult or not age appropriate
•consider holistic assessment, eg social and emotional development, maths, literacy, listening, pragmatics, ToM, cognition, sensory integration
•specialist assessments also involve looking at all areas for independence and access, eg equipment in the home and for university, employability, team building, etc
•be involved in the two-year-old progress checks
•be aware of involving DCYP and their families in national research projects
•have the knowledge and skills to support DCYP and their families through the relevant statutory assessment processes; knowledge of time frames, writing effective requests and plans, etc
•be able to explain to DCYP and families specialist assessments from other professionals, eg EP, aetiology, SLT, audiology, etc.
- NDCS Assessments for DCYP resource https://www.ndcs.org.uk/assessments
- Macarthur Communication Development Inventory (CDI 2e) https://brookespublishing.com/product/cdi/
- Teddy Talk Test
- TROG 2
- BPVS 3
- Prawf Geirfa Cymraeg
- Wellcomm primary
- The Assessment of Comprehension and Expression 6–11 (ACE 6 – 11)
- The Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (CELF-5 – UK)
- Nottingham Auditory Milestones (NAMES)
- McCormick Toy Test
- 10 Sound Test LING MADELL HEWITT Speech Perception Test (Teachers pay teachers website)
- BKB test
- AB words
- EAL toy test
- Chear Auditory Performance Test (APT)
- Chear Consonant Confusion Task (CCT1)
- Listening Inventories for Education Revised (LIFE-R)
- DCAL assessment portal
- Tactile working memory scale
- Wolfgang Mann’s Dynamic assessment resource
Previous page
7a. Assessments
Previous sections
Section 1 Deaf identity
Section 2 Communication, language, and literacy
Section 3 Understand access to sound
Section 4 Social, emotional, physical, and mental health
Section 5 Manage change
Section 6 Preparation for adulthood