7a. Assessments
Deaf Children and Young People (DCYP) and their families
•understand the purpose of specialist assessments and can link these to outcomes and progress made
•know what the assessment results mean and are involved in planning for next steps
•have access to a range and type of assessments to identify areas of strength and areas for development
•develop confidence to participate in the assessment process
•have a clear understanding of their/their child’s communication, receptive, and expressive language development and how to support this
•Know that communication preferences can change over time, and assessment and demonstration of skills informs those decisions
- Speech and Language UK – Help for families – Ages and stages – Our guide to the typical stages of speech and language development in babies, children and young people
- NDCS – Success from the start: A developmental resource for families of deaf children aged 0 to 3
- Council for Disabled Children – Early Support Information on Deafness and Hearing Loss
- NSPCC Learning (YouTube)
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Previous sections
Section 1 Deaf identity
Section 2 Communication, language, and literacy
Section 3 Understand access to sound
Section 4 Social, emotional, physical, and mental health
Section 5 Manage change
Section 6 Preparation for adulthood