Resource | 19.02.2024 | By Teresa Quail

4c. Physical health

Deaf Children and Young People (DCYP) and their families

  • know about the links between exercise and mental well being
  • find opportunities to participate in physical activity
  • understand the language around healthy eating (including advertising)
  • know about safety related to ear hygiene
  • know about safety related to their hearing devices
  • have opportunities to develop understanding of language around puberty, sexual health, gender, etc
  • understand aetiology of deafness (including balance) and potential links with safety
  • are given opportunities to participate in sporting activities safely, eg rugby, abseiling
  • develop skills around participating in health appointments
  • know about the different types of equipment to help keep safe, eg fire alarms, etc
  • develop an awareness of the principles of consent within the health setting
  • are signposted to resources and accessible information around a range of medical needs and appointments
  • understand the importance of attending appointments related to health, including audiology, and the importance of lifelong care.

Previous pages

4a Social health

4b. Emotional and mental health

Next page

4d. Technology and staying safe


Previous sections

Section 1  Deaf identity

Section 2 Communication, language, and literacy

Section 3 Understand access to sound

Next sections

Section 5  Manage change

Section 6  Preparation for adulthood

Section 7 Specialist assessment and monitoring