4c. Physical health
Deaf Children and Young People (DCYP) and their families
- know about the links between exercise and mental well being
- find opportunities to participate in physical activity
- understand the language around healthy eating (including advertising)
- know about safety related to ear hygiene
- know about safety related to their hearing devices
- have opportunities to develop understanding of language around puberty, sexual health, gender, etc
- understand aetiology of deafness (including balance) and potential links with safety
- are given opportunities to participate in sporting activities safely, eg rugby, abseiling
- develop skills around participating in health appointments
- know about the different types of equipment to help keep safe, eg fire alarms, etc
- develop an awareness of the principles of consent within the health setting
- are signposted to resources and accessible information around a range of medical needs and appointments
- understand the importance of attending appointments related to health, including audiology, and the importance of lifelong care.
- SignHealth resources – British Sign Language Health Video Library
- Deaf rainbow
- The Limping Chicken – Deaf News: Deaf instructor releases accessible workouts with ‘Body Coach’ Joe Wicks
- NDCS post – My deafness didn’t stop me becoming a famous fitness influencer
- Deaf Sports UK – Gentle exercise
- About UKDS – UK Deaf Sport
Previous pages
4b. Emotional and mental health
Next page
4d. Technology and staying safe
Previous sections
Section 1 Deaf identity
Section 2 Communication, language, and literacy
Section 3 Understand access to sound
Next sections
Section 5 Manage change
Section 6 Preparation for adulthood
Section 7 Specialist assessment and monitoring