Resource | 19.02.2024 | By Teresa Quail

4b. Emotional and mental health

Deaf Children and Young People (DCYP) and their families

  • are supported to have a positive view of their/their child’s deafness
  • develop an awareness of accessibility within different contexts resulting in isolation or exclusion
  • are given opportunities to be in contact with other families and DCYP and their families
  • know about the range of support groups available
  • know about local and national resources for DCYP and their families
  • develop their sense of self and deafness as part of who they are
  • are supported to develop their awareness of what good mental health looks like and some potential difficulties associated with deafness
  • are supported to explore feelings around successes and perceived failures
  • are supported to explore potential areas of difficulty, eg transition and how to approach these
  • develop appropriate vocabulary for expressing feelings
  • are signposted to the relevant sources of support and organisations regarding mental health.

Previous page

4a. Social health

Next pages

4c. Physical health

4d. Technology and staying safe


Previous sections

Section 1  Deaf identity

Section 2 Communication, language, and literacy

Section 3 Understand access to sound

Next sections

Section 5  Manage change

Section 6  Preparation for adulthood

Section 7 Specialist assessment and monitoring