Resource | 19.02.2024 | By Teresa Quail

4a. Social health

Deaf Children and Young People (DCYP) and families are supported to

  • form secure attachments
  • have opportunities to experience a variety of relationships (eg after school club)
  • develop their social communication skills
  • develop an understanding of theory of mind (ToM)
  • understand and reflect on different behaviours around deafness and the impact of those
  • develop skills around assertiveness in relationships and how to have those interactions
  • understand what resilience is and how to build that within self
  • develop an awareness of accessibility within different contexts and feelings of exclusion
  • find opportunities for peer-to-peer support, for example, modelling positive interactions, use of slang, etc
  • understand different social situations and the levels of formality and language linked with those
  • develop an awareness of the principles of consent within relationships
  • develop strategies to deal with situations around bullying
  • know how to keep themselves safe.

Next pages

4b. Emotional and mental health

4c. Physical health

4d. Technology and staying safe


Previous sections

Section 1  Deaf identity

Section 2 Communication, language, and literacy

Section 3 Understand access to sound

Next sections

Section 5  Manage change

Section 6  Preparation for adulthood

Section 7 Specialist assessment and monitoring